Love & Dating

How to Spot Men Who Are Most Likely to Have Affairs

7 possible causes of male extramarital affairs

How many married men have extramarital affairs?

The 3 categories of men that cheat the most

There are seven telltale indicators that your spouse is cheating on you.

Infidelity, a topic as old as marriage itself, is still a major problem in a lot of partnerships today. Though studies and professional perspectives frequently center on the reasons why men, in particular, would choose to have affairs, both men and women are capable of being disloyal.

Since the motivations behind these activities vary as much as the people involved, it can be difficult to understand the dynamics behind them.

Now, let’s discuss some of the possible causes of male infidelity, the data on the frequency of adultery among married men, the kinds of men who are most likely to have affairs, and the warning signals of an affair.

7 possible causes of male extramarital affairs

Comprehending the question “Why do married men cheat?” is difficult since everyone has quite different reasons for doing such things. Even though there is never a good explanation for adultery, investigating the causes can reveal relationship problems.

The spectrum of unfaithfulness is wide, ranging from the kinds of males that cheat to the many kinds of affairs. These seven potential explanations for men’s decision to select an affair help to illuminate the variety of reasons why men decide to break their promises to one another.

  1. 1. Absence of emotional bonding

Men may experience an emotional vacuum in their partnerships, which makes them look to someone else for affirmation, love, and understanding.

Feeling abandoned, misinterpreted, or underappreciated by their relationships can lead people to seek out a deeper emotional connection, drawing them toward someone who seems to provide the understanding and support they need.

  1. 2. Dissatisfaction with sex

A considerable proportion of extramarital encounters stem from unfulfilled sexual wants and aspirations in the original partnership.

Researchers reportedly polled participants about a range of potential reasons why they may conduct infidelity. Sexual desire was one of the eight statistically significant infidelity motivation variables that were reported.

Men may pursue affairs in search of sexual fulfillment and pleasure, whether it’s through exploring unsatisfied dreams, wanting more regular sexual experiences, or just missing a physical connection at home.

3. Possibility and allure

Certain men make the decision to have an affair spontaneously, as the opportunity to do so presents itself and the temptation is too great to refuse.

It might be as a result of spending time in situations where they are apart from their partner, including work travel or social gatherings, where there is a greater chance of developing new, close relationships.

  1. 4. Looking for approval

Men may use having an affair as a means of feeling more successful, attractive, or appreciated than they currently feel in their relationship.

They may look for validation outside of their marriage as a result of the praise and ego boost they receive from someone new.

  1. 5. A desire for excitement and boredom

Some men may seek out the excitement and novelty of an affair due to the boredom of daily living and the predictability of a long-term partnership. The thrill of unexpected love encounters and the secrecy surrounding them can offer a momentary reprieve from their daily routine.

  1. 6. Physical or emotional detachment

Men may search for other sources of emotional or physical connection when there is a noticeable separation in a relationship. This detachment can lead individuals to seek out someone who provides the connection they are missing, whether it is because of a reduction in affection, a lack of communication, or a physical absence.

  1. 7. Adaptations

Men may use affairs as a coping mechanism for emotional upheaval, life transitions, or stress in their personal or professional lives.

These many kinds of relationships may be pursued not simply for sexual fulfillment but also as a diversion or comfort from challenges people are confronting in other spheres of their lives.

How many married men have extramarital affairs?

How frequent are affairs, then? In response to your inquiry, “How many people have affairs?” statistics on infidelity vary greatly; some research indicates that between 20% and 25% of married males in the US have had extramarital sex at least once in their marriage.

According to data from the most current General Social Survey, men are more likely than women to cheat. According to the survey, 13% of women and 20% of men said they had extramarital affairs while they were married.

Because these statistics are based on self-reporting and different people have different definitions of “affair,” caution should be exercised when interpreting them.

The three categories of men that cheat the most

Infidelity is a complicated problem with many underlying causes, individual motivations, and situations. Though it’s important to remember that not all men are infidelity-prone, some guys may be more likely to cheat due to specific habits and behaviors.

The three kinds of males listed below represent the statistical likelihood of having an affair; keep in mind that these do not represent every situation; rather, they emphasize prevalent patterns seen in research and relationship therapy.

  1. 1. Males who exhibit high degrees of entitlement and narcissism

People with a strong sense of entitlement and high levels of narcissism may be more likely to have affairs. These psychological characteristics may make a person less sensitive to their partner’s emotions and more likely to look for fulfillment outside of their main connection.

According to research, those who exhibit narcissistic qualities are more likely to cheat on their partners. Furthermore, if their expectations are not fulfilled, they frequently express less satisfaction in their love relationships.

Male narcissists frequently need validation and adulation all the time, something they may not believe they are getting from their present spouse. They may turn to new romantic interests in an attempt to satisfy their never-ending need for validation, justifying their behavior with the idea that they are better than others.

  1. 2. Men who have a track record of adultery or who originate from a culture where adultery was accepted

Individuals who have had extramarital affairs in the past or who grew up in homes where adultery was prevalent may be more likely to cheat. This pattern of conduct points to a learned component of infidelity, where people grow used to viewing extramarital affairs as normal or unavoidable aspects of partnerships.

One of the most well-established demographic conclusions from research is that men are more likely than women to commit infidelity. This discrepancy may be explained by things like stronger social influence or evolutionary drives.

When faced with relationship discontent or personal temptation, cheating may become more likely due to the normalization of such behavior, which can lessen the perceived moral or emotional implications of the behavior.

  1. 3. Men with unresolved personal difficulties or considerable relationship discontent

People may be more likely to have affairs if they are really dissatisfied in their present relationship or if they are coping with unresolved personal issues, such as identity crises, midlife crises, or major life stressors.

These men are the most inclined to have affairs because they may see having an affair as a short fix for their problems or a way out of their unhappy situations.

The affair serves as a diversion, a source of pleasure, or a means of avoiding dealing with the more serious problems that are ailing their marital or personal lives. It’s a foolish search, frequently made without fully weighing the long-term effects, for contentment or satisfaction outside the parameters of their main commitment.

There are seven telltale indicators that your spouse is cheating on you.

It can be difficult to spot the warning symptoms of infidelity in a relationship since trust and denial frequently distort our judgment. Nonetheless, some actions could suggest that your spouse is having an extramarital affair.

Knowing these warning indicators will enable you to confront the matter head-on and identify the underlying problems, such as “What does a married man want in an affair?” If you think your partner might be cheating, pay attention to these 7 symptoms.

  1. 1. Abrupt shifts in communication styles

Your partner may be hiding information if they used to be forthcoming with details about their day but are now evasive or avoid talking about it. This change may be a sign that they are focusing their conversational and emotional energy on something else, maybe on someone else.

  1. 2. Inexplicable absences or scheduling modifications

Red flags include frequent late nights at work, unplanned business travels, and abrupt changes in routine that don’t have a good reason. These absences could be an attempt to hide time spent with someone else.

  1. 3. A greater degree of privacy around their computer or phone

Your partner may be hiding anything if they begin to take extra care with their phone, frequently change their passwords, or erase their browsing history. This kind of behavior usually means they are talking to someone they don’t want you to know about.

  1. 4. Unrecorded costs

Receivables for gifts, dinners, hotels, or other events that you did not attend, as well as strange payments on credit card accounts, may indicate an affair. These costs could be a means of funding the covert partnership.

  1. 5. An abrupt fascination with appearance

Your partner might be attempting to impress someone else if they start exercising more, buy new clothes, or alter their grooming routine without any apparent explanation. They might also start becoming more self-conscious about how they look.

If this effort is not meant for you to notice or appreciate it, that can be quite telling.

See this TED Talk by relationship specialist Lucy Beresford, who addresses the brave choice of mending the relationship and the dilemma of whether to pursue an affair or not:

  1. 6. Distant emotions

If you sense an emotional distance from your partner or see that they are less eager to spend time together, it may be a sign that they are emotionally invested in someone else. This detachment can manifest as resistance to future plans being made together, a lack of interest in conversations, or an indifference to family gatherings.

  1. 7. Acting defensively when asked about their actions

It could be an indication of guilt if your partner acts defensively, becomes irate, or avoids answering inquiries about their whereabouts or conduct. Their defensiveness may be the result of stress from living a second life or a fear of being discovered.


Inquiries about infidelity can come up when trying to comprehend the nuances of relationships, which can cause worry and interest. We answer some of the most common queries on this delicate subject below:

Does a man have to cheat to love his wife?

A man might be unfaithful to his wife and still love her. Cheating is not always a sign of a lack of love; it frequently results from unfulfilled desires, a need for approval, or emotional distance.

It’s an idiotic attempt to fill a hole without wanting to break up with their partner, underscoring the difficulties associated with emotional and personal fulfillment in partnerships.

Which males are more likely to adulterate?

Men are more likely to cheat if they have a history of infidelity, are highly narcissistic, or are deeply unhappy in their relationships.

Because of a confluence of learned behaviors, unfulfilled wants, and ego, these elements increase the likelihood that an individual may look for fulfillment outside of their primary connection.

Why do men get into affairs?

Males are motivated to have affairs for a number of reasons, such as the rush of novelty, emotional detachment, and sexual unhappiness. Having an affair is frequently a sign of underlying problems in a relationship or in the person, such as a need for approval, a need to break free from routine, or unresolved emotional concerns.

How often are affairs in today’s world?

In today’s world, infidelity is not always rare; research shows that affairs are somewhat common. According to estimates, between 20% and 25% of married males in the US have had extramarital affairs at some point.

The frequency of extramarital encounters highlights how difficult it is to uphold monogamy and how complicated human relationships are.

Do cultural perspectives on infidelity differ from one another?

Indeed, there are notable cultural variations in how people view adultery. While some cultures maintain severe attitudes against infidelity and heavily stigmatize such behaviors, others see affairs more leniently, viewing them as a normal aspect of human life.

These attitudes affect how adultery is viewed and handled in many civilizations, and they are influenced by historical backgrounds, religious beliefs, and social conventions.

Although there are many different and intricate reasons why men have affairs, knowing these causes, identifying the kinds of men who are most likely to have affairs, and being aware of the warning signs can help shed light on this difficult area of interpersonal interactions.

To preserve a relationship’s integrity and well-being, partners must speak honestly and openly, resolving problems as they come up.

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