
How to know your soulmate

Is There Really Such Thing As “Soulmates?”

Many people believe that destiny, divine will, or the rebirth of a previous love are the sources of the concept of a soul mate. Some people feel deeply that they are meant to be with one particular person in this world, even though they are unsure of the precise reason behind their belief in the concept of a soul mate.

The idea of finding our soul mate is alluring; the idea that someone can totally complete, or at least complement, us is quite alluring. Our shortcomings won’t really matter if and when we find our true soul partner, because they will be perfectly balanced and handled by our soul mate.
It is easy to think that the person you are seeing could be your soul mate when things are going well. However, this same confidence can be readily undermined when things get tougher. What if you were mistaken and this individual was never, genuinely, your soul mate? Your real soul partner will undoubtedly never let you down, misinterpret you, or cause you harm. Perhaps your true soul partner is still waiting for you someplace.

Although the idea of a soul mate cannot be proven beyond a reasonable doubt, it can also never be refuted. What possible damage could there be in seeking for, or believing in, a soul mate? The issue may be that we have irrational expectations of love and end relationships that have a bright future because of our conception of soul mates.

Let’s say you’ve discovered someone exceptional—a potential soulmate. Regretfully, it is uncommon for the stars to align and provide a glaring indication that the individual you are pursuing is, in fact, “the one.” In the event that your romance begins to wane, it is simple to rationalize engaging in a little “soul mate shopping” in the absence of such evidence.

According to a 20-year study conducted by Penn State’s Paul Amato, Ph.D., 55–60% of divorcing couples appear to have rejected relationships with genuine promise. Many of these people insisted that although they were bored or thought the relationship hadn’t lived up to their expectations, they still loved their partner.

Healthy partnerships are frequently dissolved, not because of unfixable issues but rather because our spouse falls short of our love expectations. It seems reckless to quit a healthy relationship just because you aren’t sure your spouse is your soul mate, especially in long-term, committed relationships like marriage.

This is not to say we should continue in bad relationships; rather, it means we should consider a relationship’s benefits and drawbacks impartially. Since it’s so difficult to pinpoint exactly what makes someone your soul mate, consider evaluating your relationship rather than concentrating on principles like love, respect, and compatibility. Certain matches fit together better than others, without a doubt. It is not necessary to possess the same interests or personality traits as your spouse in order to be a good match.

It’s possible that soul mates exist; if you’re lucky, you may have already met yours. The ability of our companion to pass some enigmatic soulmate test is not ultimately important. The most important thing is that we trust ourselves to keep discovering beauty, strength, and yes, true love in our relationship with the other person.


How to know your soulmate

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